PLB Benchmark
The purpose of the PLB Benchmark utility is to provide a consistent performance measurement of PLB commands. PLB commands are grouped into eight categories and performance is measured in terms of instructions per second.
String – PLB commands that perform string manipulation; append, bump, chop, edit, move, etc.
Math – PLB commands that perform calculations; add, arccos, arcsin, calc, divide, incr, log, multiply, etc.
Object – PLB commands that control objects; button, checkbox, combobox, datalist, editdatetime, editnumber, edittext, listview, etc.
File – PLB commands that handle file input-output operations; write, read, etc.
iFile – PLB commands that handle indexed file input-output operations; prepare, write, read, readks, etc.
aFile – PLB commands that handle aamdex file input-output operations; prepare, read, readkg, etc.
Filelist – PLB commands that handle filelist input-output operations. The filelist contains one iFile and one aFile.
xFile – PLB commands that handle xfile input-output operations.
SQLite – PLB commands that handle SQLIO input-output operations to an SQLite database.
PLB Benchmark
PLB Benchmark Preferences
PLB Benchmark Terminology
New: Clears any existing benchmark results and gets ready to start a new benchmark.
Open: Opens an existing PLB Benchmark file and display the results.
Save: Saves PLB Benchmark results. Process creates two files, the first file is formatted so it can be re-opened by the PLB Benchmark program at a later time. The process also saves the PLB Benchmark results to a .csv file that can be opened by other programs (such as Excel).
String: When enabled (button pushed down), string commands will be included in the PLB Benchmark.
Math: When enabled (button pushed down), math commands will be included in the PLB Benchmark.
Object: When enabled (button pushed down), object commands will be included in the PLB Benchmark.
File: When enabled (button pushed down), file commands will be included in the PLB Benchmark.
iFile: When enabled (button pushed down), iFile commands will be included in the PLB Benchmark.
aFile: When enabled (button pushed down), aFile commands will be included in the PLB Benchmark.
Filelist: When enabled (button pushed down), filelist commands will be included in the PLB Benchmark.
xFile: When enabled (button pushed down), xFile commands will be included in the PLB Benchmark.
SQLite: When enabled (button pushed down), SQLite commands will be included in the PLB Benchmark.
Run: Start a PLB Benchmark.
Preferences: Allows the user to establish default preferences to control how some of the features within PLB Benchmark program operate. Preferences pertaining to the current instance of the program can be changed using the icon tray at the bottom right of the screen. These changes don’t change the defaults. Defaults can only be changed by opening the preference window and saving your changes.
Help: Displays a dropdown menu that will allow the user to view help contents, navigate to our website, or see the PLB Benchmark about screen.
Exit: Allows the user to exit or close this particular instance of the PLB Benchmark program without exiting the PLB Utility Suite.
PLB Benchmark Options
Location: The File, iFile, aFile and Filelist benchmarks create, read, update and delete on-disk files. The user can specify where these files should be located. This feature enables different disk drives to be benchmarked and compared.
Known Issues and Limitations
- Administrative privileges are required if you choose a file location protected with Windows Administrator privileges.