PLB Convert End of Record
Data files contain records, and individual records are separated within a data file by special “End of Record” ASCII control characters. The two specific ASCII control characters used are commonly referred to as the “Carriage Return” (Hex 0D) and “Line Feed” (Hex 0A). PLB natively supports four different types of “End of Record” formats, two of the formats use a single byte of data, and two of the formats use two bytes of data. The purpose of this program is to convert a data file from one type of End of Record format to another. The four formats supported by the program are;
· Carriage Return (Hex 0D) + Line Feed (Hex 0A)
· Carriage Return (Hex 0D)
· Line Feed (Hex 0A)
· Line Feed (Hex 0A) + Carriage Return (Hex 0D)
PLB Convert End of Record
PLB Convert End of Record Preferences - File to Read
PLB Convert End of Record - End of Record Type
PLB Convert End of Record Terminology
From: Allows the user to choose which file (or files) data will be copied from when converting to a new End of Record type. During the “Convert” process the file will be opened in read only mode, no changes are made to this file. If more than one file is selected, a new instance of PLB Convert EOR Type will be started for each additional file selected. Up to 99 instances of PLB Convert EOR Type can be running at the same time.
To: Allows the user to specify the name of the file that will be created during the conversion process. The file will contain all of the data records in the original file, but the ASCII control character(s) used to indicate each End of Record will be changed to the requested format. If the “To” filename is not specified, the program will generate a filename based on the core “From” filename and the default settings in the program preferences. The program will not allow a file to be overwritten, so if the “To” file already exists the program will not continue.
Convert: Starts the process of reading the “From” file and creating the “To” file. Each data record found in the “From” file will be copied to the “To” file, but the ASCII control characters used to indicate each End of Record will be changed to the requested format. Note: There is are preference settings that will establish a default end of record format, and automatically start the conversion process right after the user selects the “From” file.
Preferences: Allows the user to establish default preferences to control how some of the features within PLB Convert EOR Type program operate. Preferences pertaining to the current instance of the program can be changed using the icon tray at the bottom right of the screen. These changes don’t change the defaults. Defaults can only be changed by opening the preference window and saving your changes.
Help: Displays a dropdown menu that will allow the user to view help contents, navigate to our website, or see the PLB Convert EOR Type about screen.
Exit: Allows the user to exit or close this particular instance of the PLB Convert EOR Type program without exiting the PLB Utility Suite.
From File: The name of the file being read during the conversion process. The user can enter the file name manually or they can find the file using the standard windows open dialog by clicking on the “From” button.
From File End of Record Type: After the user provides the name of the “From” file, the program will determine what format that file uses to indicate an End of Record. The program supports four different End of Record formats; “Carriage Return (Hex 0D) + Line Feed (Hex 0A)”, “Carriage Return (Hex 0D)”, “Line Feed (Hex 0A)”, and “Line Feed (Hex 0A) + Carriage Return (Hex 0D)”.
To File: The name of the file that will be created during the conversion process. The user can enter the filename manually or they can let the program generate a filename based on the core “From” filename and the default settings in the program preferences.
To File End of Record Type: Allows the user to choose the ASCII control character format that should be used to indicate each End of Record. The program supports four different End of Record formats; “Carriage Return (Hex 0D) + Line Feed (Hex 0A)”, “Carriage Return (Hex 0D)”, “Line Feed (Hex 0A)”, and “Line Feed (Hex 0A) + Carriage Return (Hex 0D)”.
Conversion Information
Records Read: The number of data records found while reading the “From” file.
Records Written: The number of data records written to the “To” file during the conversion process. This number should match the “Records Read”.
From File Size: The total size of the “From” file in bytes. This includes all readable data, bytes used as end of record markers, and bytes of deleted data. This should match the file size reported by the operating system.
To File Size: The total size of the “To” file in bytes. This includes all readable data and bytes used as end of record markers. This should match the file size reported by the operating system. The size of the “To” can be different than the size of the “From” file. One reason for the difference in file size is because any deleted records found in the “From” file are not copied to the “To” file. The file size can also change if the number of bytes used by the End of Record type changes.
From File End of Record Type: ASCII control characters used to indicate an End of Record in the “From” file. The program supports four different End of Record formats; “Carriage Return (Hex 0D) + Line Feed (Hex 0A)”, “Carriage Return (Hex 0D)”, “Line Feed (Hex 0A)”, and “Line Feed (Hex 0A) + Carriage Return (Hex 0D)”.
To File End of Record Type: ASCII control characters used to indicate an End of Record in the “To” file. The program supports four different End of Record formats; “Carriage Return (Hex 0D) + Line Feed (Hex 0A)”, “Carriage Return (Hex 0D)”, “Line Feed (Hex 0A)”, and “Line Feed (Hex 0A) + Carriage Return (Hex 0D)”.
Known Issues and Limitations
· Records Lengths larger than 65,000 bytes are not supported.
· End of record characters other than Hex 0D, Hex 0A, Hex 0D + Hex 0A, or Hex 0A + Hex 0D are not supported.